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Preset Divider Measurements for Wood Turning

Within Wood Turning, there are various different ways to securely hold the wood on the lathe, so it can rotate. This often involves the use of 4 jaw Chucks, which can be used to grip on to a pre-turned Tenon or Recess on the wood.

Photo of Dividers, measurements and wood turning chucks
Dividers, along with measurements printouts, and the Wood Turning Chucks they are setup for

The sizes of these tenons and recesses varies depending on what jaws are mounted on the chuck - it's necessary to get the tenon/recess size to match the jaws.

As these are measurements which I use repeatedly, I want a quick way to access the sizes, and transfer to the spinning wood.

Firstly, I create documents on my computer, which detail all the relevant measurements, and store in a folder so I can access them, should I need them.

However, as referring to the measurements is something I do often, I don't want to get this folder out each time - or try and rely on my memory. There is a much simpler method - I use calipers, which I've preset to the measurements, with labels on each to state which is which. The calipers are then mounted on the wall behind my lathe for easy access.

Dividers mounted behind lathe, ready for use
Dividers mounted behind lathe, ready for use

This isn't rocket science, it's actually really easy, but I hope the photos enclosed are useful.

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