Website Accessibility
I wish to make my website as accessible as possible, for as many users as possible, particularly as someone with long term health conditions.​ I am reliant on the features that my website host provides to make the site accessible as possible, by using the tools within their CMS.
Fortunately, my host provides some Website Accessibility tools, which I review when changes are made. I also make a habit of completing the Alt. Text for images etc. when adding content to me site, and have tested the site at 200% magnification.​ At the time of writing, the hosting package also provides good tools to navigate the site using only a keyboard (using the Tab/Cursor/Enter Keys etc.). For example, it provides a means to skip the main menu, and go to the page content.
On a mobile, it should also be possible to navigate the whole site without needing the popup menu from the three vertical lines, using the page navigation breadcrumbs near the top of all pages.​ Should you find issues with accessing the site, please do use the Contact page to let me know.